
The team model is meant to meet the needs of clients who receive both therapy services and medication management. 

The problem

Most clients have a prescribing physician either at their regular doctor’s clinic, or through a psychiatric specialist that is totally separate from where they recieve therapy services.

This means that often the psychiatrist and the therapist don’t communicate about the client’s progress towards feeling better and managing symptoms.

The solution

We have found that working as a “team” together with the client has the best possible outcomes for all involved.

In our team model, Therapist and Psychiatrist can easily collaborate with each other to be up-to-date on all changes and ongoing needs because we work out of the same office.

This means that the care you receive is doubly effective, because you’ve got multiple professionals working together as a team in helping you accomplish your goals.

“There is a need in our state for collaborative services between therapists and psychiatrists so everyone is on the same page for the best possible treatment for the client.”

Dr. Gihwala

HopeFull Counseling and Psychiatry exists to provide ethical and excellent mental health services that encourage people to experience a higher quality of life.

Get In Touch


(803) 590-8623



3310 Harrison Rd, Columbia SC 29204


Mon – Fri: 10am – 6pm